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5 Tips to Help Keep Your Cats Safe this NYE

New Years Eve is often a loud, colourful night with parties, fireworks and people having a good time. It can be a night that’s stressful for humans so imagine what cats make of it all. Keeping your cats happy and safe this New Years Eve isn’t too hard, here are our tips to help:

1.Don’t let the cats out, keep them inside away from the loud and flashing lights of fireworks and parties. The noise can cause distress and anxiety and sometimes lead to cats running in fright and getting lost or injured on the road. Place down a cat litter tray and make sure the whole family knows to keep the cats inside.

2.Be careful with the food and drink. There are plenty of party foods that are toxic to cats or that will leave them with a poorly tummy. Avoid giving them fatty and salty foods and stay away from all toxic foods, here’s a quick list to refer to.

3.Have a cat friendly party. Streamers, balloons and tinsel can all cause digestive problems for cats if consumed. Pick alternative cat friendly decorations or set your cats up with a secure room of their own for the night. Keep the curtains and doors close, add some comfortable bedding, some toys, water, food and a litter tray.

4.Give your cats some attention, but on their own terms. Play with your cats during the day to give them some exercise and to help them perform their natural behaviours.

5.Take your cat to a cat sitter for the night. This may sound a bit extreme but if you’re having a very big or busy party it could be an easier option for you and the cats, especially if you think it will be impossible to keep them inside and away from your guests.

Cats can enjoy a family party but fireworks and lots of guests can prove to be a little too much. Find ways to celebrate the New Year with your feline friends and help them to welcome in 2019 in a stress-free environment. Share your photos of your NYE cats with us over on our Facebook page.