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10 Signs Your Cat Might Need To Go To The Vet

As with any pet, it is imperative that you have regular check ups so that a vet can make sure your companion is in the best health possible. The same goes for our lovely feline friends. A vet can make sure that your cat is fully up to date with vaccinations and they can also catch problems with your kitty before it becomes serious.

If you cat isn't their usual self (like playing to their heart's content in their ProtectaPet Habinatural Space!) your vet will be able to offer the best advice and hopefully give you some peace of mind.

Here are some signs that your cat might need to be seen by a vet:


1. Extreme tiredness

We all know our precious cats love to nap and lay around, but if they are sleeping more than usual and not showing interest in things that they normally do then this could be a sign that something is wrong. Monitor them for 24 hours and if there is no improvement then it might be a good idea to give your vet a call.


2. Vomiting

Don’t be alarmed! Just like humans it is normal for cats to occasionally have an upset stomach, or to cough up a hairball or two. However, repeated vomiting is not normal and should definitely warrant a call to your vets. There are many possible causes for vomiting in cats such as systemic illness, allergies, an obstruction and parasites.

If there is any blood present or your cat is lethargic this would be considered a medical emergency, so pay attention to your cats activity or habits if they are under the weather.


3. Change in appetite

Your cat may be a fussy eater! But on the whole, you will probably be able to tell if their appetite takes a quick turn. If they suddenly have no to little interest in food or treats, this could be a sign that something is wrong such as an infection, organ failure, digestion problems or cancer.

If they are on the other end of the scale and they are eating too excessively (polyphagia) this can be a sign of hyperthyroidism, worms, diabetes, depression or it might be that their diet isn’t nutritious enough for them.

Worried about your Cat's change in appetite? Check out this article by WebMD which offers more insight to this issue.


4. Lumps or bumps

Many lumps or bumps that are found on our cats’ bodies are benign and usually don’t need any treatment whatsoever. That being said, even if you find one that you suspect to be harmless you should always get a professional opinion to weigh in on the situation. A lump could be a sign of something harmful to your cat.


5. Coughing or change in breathing

Any noticeable changes to your cats’ respiratory system need to be looked at by your vet. This includes difficulty in breathing, choking or coughing for a prolonged period of time. It is best to get your cat seen as soon as possible because these symptoms could be a sign of asthma, lung disease or it could be down to allergies.


6. Walking differently

If you notice that your cat is limping, or is in pain when they walk on a certain limb or joint then this might be a sign that they are suffering with an injury or that they are ill. To prevent the injury from becoming any worse or if they have an underlying condition that needs to be treated, get them seen by your vet as soon as possible to find out the cause.


7. Bad breath

Unusual or bad breath coming from your cat can be a sign of various different causes. It could indicate that your feline needs dental work due to plaque build ups in their teeth or oral trauma.

Other reasons for bad breath could be due to kidney, respiratory, liver disease and diabetes if their breath smells particularly sweet or fruity.


8. Behavioural changes

Becoming less social, more aggressive or if your cat just doesn’t seem themselves is a perfectly good reason for you to give the vets a call. Neglecting their grooming routine is another behavioural change that sometimes needs to be checked up on. There can be many reasons for these behaviours including depression/anxiety, moving to a new home, seasonal changes or an illness.


9. Increased Vocalisation

If your cat is suddenly crying more, or making crying-like noises or just making more noises in general, then it might mean that there is something bothering your cat that they are trying to tell you. It could indicate an issue with their respiratory system, or alternatively it could be an expression of discomfort or pain somewhere in their body. Cats can also become more vocal if they are stressed, grieving or searching for a feline companion.

It is important to get your cat seen by a vet if they are exhibiting any of these symptoms so the vet can determine whether it is an illness or if it is an environmental issue.


10. Digestion issues

If your cat has trouble with digestion whether it be constipation or diarrhoea, it is very important you get them seen as soon as possible because if left untreated, these issues can become life threatening. If these issues persist for more than a day then your cat could be experiencing an allergic reaction, parasites, intestinal blockages or a wide variety of different diseases.