Catios, or cat patios, are steel framed outdoor cat enclosrues that are used to keep cats in a safe outdoor territory. The term started being commonly used in the United States but is now understood across the Atlantic as a term to describe cat cages that are placed onto hard landscaped areas for cats to play and explore the outdoors in.
There are plenty of different motivations for cat owners to choose a catio: whether they are a breeder,a cat fosterer or a domestic cat woner who is simply looking to extend their home out into the garden while keeping their cat safe.
1. The DIY Catio Kit: Ideal for technically minded people who are looking for a sleek and elegant solution to keep thier cat safe outdoors, the DIY Catio is the ideal option. Available with the option of gates and modular enrichment cat furniture including scratchers and climbers, the DIY Catio is a great option.
2. The Bespoke Catio: Exclusively available on the ProtectaPet professional installation service, steel framed catios can be designed to meet the requirements of your specific needs. From the size and number of gates, through to the cat enrichment within, all of these can be selected by the client. Request a quote for a no obligation consultation.
Bespoke Catio
3. The Catio with Cat Tunnel: Designed according to the topographic features of the garden layout, cat tunnels can be used to connect hours, cat cafes, cat adoption facilities and veterinary practices to outdoor catios, cat cages and cat pens.
Cat Tunnel leading to Catio
4. Catios with Enrichment: As Catios tend to be smaller outdoor cat enclosures, it is imperative that they are designed with cat enrichment and welfare in mind. Hidey holes and cat shelves are a great way to build exploration into your cats' outdoor routine.
Cat Shelves leading to Catio Tunnels
5. Catios at Elevation: Balconies can provide your cat with much needed exercise, sunshine and fresh air if they are secured to prevent your cat from a fall. DIY Cat Balcony kits vary from mesh canopies to steel framed enclosures that are the same as the DIY Catio kits. Send photographs of your balcony to us for product advice specific to your needs.
Catio on a Cat Balcony