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The Happy Husky Blog

My name is Emma, I've always been an animal lover and have wanted a dog ever since I can remember. After a lot of pleading my mum finally gave in and we got our first dog, a rescue German Shepherd called Shep. I've never wanted to be without a four legged companion since. 2 years ago I was finally in a position to get a dog of my own and that's where Hendrix comes in. 

Once again I chose to rescue as I think every dog should get a second chance at a good home. My Mum's friend works for an animal charity in York and I asked her to keep an eye out for a husky for me. I've always been a big dog person and although I read huskies can be a lot of work, I was ready for the challenge. And boy was Hendrix a challenge when he first arrived! My Mum's friend had driven across the country to collect him from Manchester (she wasn't supposed to so keep that a secret. The family who had him didn't have time for him so advertised him free to a good home on Facebook, then got worried about the dodgy people they got interest from. Luckily he was picked up by my mums friend and was home with us that very night (very unexpected I might add). 

Hendrix had a lot of behaviour problems as he had received no training in his first 10 months. After a battle of wills (which I won) he is now as good as gold and a pleasure to take out on adventures. I started the blog last April as a way to share our adventures and experiences with the world. Hendrix was too much of a lovable character to keep to myself. I love writing about our experiences and sharing our adventures, it has also rekindled my love of photography. The online dog community is great and I have made many friends as a result of my blog. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.