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Is My Cat Cheating On Me?

It’s the start of another New Year; a time for resolutions, health kicks,  excitement and optimism for the next 12 months. But for some, it is also the time for a fresh start. 

The first working Monday of the year is dubbed ‘Divorce Day’ by lawyers, with people flocking to seek legal advice about how to end their marriages. The divorce rate in the UK is estimated at 42% according to the Office for National Statistics and Relate, the UK's largest charity of relationship support, also says it receives a record number of calls during the first month of the year from people who are unhappy at home and worried about their spouse cheating. 

But it’s not just people who can be found straying from home. Cats too can have a wandering eye in pursuit of more tummy rubs and a fancy meal. Often cats are inclined to explore and can go ‘missing’ for days, leaving owners worried and anxious; only to stroll in a week later with little disregard for the upset they have caused. Cat’s loyalty can often be swayed with fuss and food, so if you have a moggy that can go missing for days, could your cat be cheating on you? 


Eve Davies, Director at ProtectaPet, comments: “Cats love to be outside exploring, which can often mean making new friends along the way! Whilst this is great fun for them, it can be really worrying for an owner who doesn’t know where their much-loved pet is. 

At ProtectaPet we speak to cat owners daily who are looking for a solution to help keep their cats close to home. We have a range of products such as cat fencing and cat enclosures, as well as catios that provide the perfect balance of welfare and enrichment for a wandering cat and peace of mind for their owner.”  

Are you the other person in a cheating triangle? 

Meet Mr Dude. Not his real name but what he has been named by “the other man” in his life who found Mr Dude sitting at his door meowing one day over lockdown. Since then the other man, Jamie from Suffolk, has been visited most weeks by Mr Dude. 

“Mr Dude just turned up one day. He is a gorgeous looking cat and really friendly, so naturally, I said hello and gave him some fuss. One day in the Summer, he just wandered into my house from the garden and made himself at home. And since then, he’s been a regular visitor. Sometimes he will even stay overnight! I know that clearly, he has an owner, it’s obvious he is well looked after. Whilst I feel a bit bad that technically I am “the other man” in Mr Dude’s life, I enjoy his company and actually miss him when he must go back to his other home.” 

Cats Protection offer some great advice if you find yourself in a similar situation to Jamie. This includes: 

  • Avoid feeding it unless it is particularly underweight - this will only encourage the cat to come back, even if it has an owner! 
  • Ask neighbours/ post on local community social media pages to try and track an owner down
  • Put a paper collar (available from Cats Protection) on the cat with a message to alert the owner