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Completely Cats

Many people have asked us to explain what Completely Cats is all about, and the answer is very simple. We are a couple of very ordinary people who share a passion for an extraordinary species – the cat.

We realised our common interest when we started exchanging daily stories about our own animals, a mixture of feral, abandoned and street cats, each one of them has become the heart of our families and now definitely rule the roost. Loving each other’s anecdotes got us to thinking that we wanted to do something to help cats in need. Not by just swapping gossip, but by really making a difference.

One of us lives in New Zealand, the other in France, so if we were to join forces our project had to be capable of an international reach. We researched ways to do this and found two organisations who offered everything we needed.

International Cat Care is a charity based in the UK that provides amazing advice and support to cat owners and providers of medical care around the globe. 

Katzenworld is a fun, informative place that promotes all things to do with cats.

By putting our own skills as author and commissioning editor to work we’ve decided to produce a book of epic short stories about cats. We are self-funding the book and for every copy sold we’ll contribute 20% to International Cat Care.

Some of the short stories will be written by ourselves, but we are also appealing to all cat lovers for help. You can help by contributing your own tale. You don’t need to have experience of writing, just have a great story to tell, we can give you all the guidance and editing assistance you need. With your contributions we’re confident that we can produce a unique book of true stories. Some will make you laugh, others will fill you with inspiration, there may even be one or two that make you cry – but every one will be heart-warming and memorable.

We have also set up a Completely Cats website: www.completelycats.weebly.com, twitter profile: www.completelycats.weebly.com, and facebook account: www.completelycats.weebly.com, Each of these is dedicated to sharing news and information provided by International Cat Care and their partners. ProtectaPet is one such partner and we’re thrilled to join forces with them and spread the word about their excellent cat care advice and products.

We also want to promote other cat owners like ourselves. We do that by working with Katzenworld and sharing their brilliant blogs, by sharing information published across the internet by other cat lovers, and keeping an eye out for any new care and welfare hints and tips that crop up each day.

We aim to make a positive difference to cats through raising money for an amazing charity, sharing the top quality advice of our new partners, and by using the internet to spread the word about care for cats.

If you have a story you’d like to share with us please do write to us at: completelycatsoffice@gmail.com and visit our website where you’ll see all the information you need about the book, and the writing competition. We’re incredibly excited about this project so please join us!