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Have you seen the trend in Cat Shelves?

Catipilla is a new UK company in the pet market and we’re delighted to have the opportunity to write a guest blog post on the Protectapet blog.

Being cat owners ourselves, we have noticed a developing trend over the past few years of cat owners wanting to keep their cats safe within the boundaries of their own home. No one does this better than Protectapet and their innovation is a welcome and practical option. There are many benefits of cat enclosures, not least of which is protecting our felines from the dangers of cars and modern urban life. 'Catifying' your garden offers the opportunity to enrich your cats outdoor environment and increase opportunities for your cat to engage in natural behaviours such as climbing and resting in high up places.

Catipilla is a new company that offers an innovative solution. We design and manufacture high-quality, modular, wall-mounted climbing frames that can be used both inside and outside. Our frames offer a place for cats to climb, rest, stalk and play, allowing cats to practise innate instincts.

Catipilla’s concept was born from necessity. It started with Smudge, our elderly cat who could no longer jump in and out of a ground floor window, restricting her ability to roam and stay active. Keen to maintain her quality of life, we built a simple climbing frame that allowed Smudge to come and go as she pleased. To our delight, the frame worked and Smudge soon returned to roaming freely and enjoying her daily routine. However, it wasn’t long before we noticed that all four of our family cats were enjoying climbing and playing on the frame too and it was from this small idea that Catipilla was born. Almost 12 months on, our products are now available to cat people everywhere and we were excited to introduce them to the team at Protectapet.

It became immediately apparent that Catipilla and Protectapet products complemented each other and we were eager to form a partnership and offer each other’s products to our respective communities. Catipilla’s units help cats to climb, observe, rest and stalk while Protectapet’s own range provides peace of mind by keeping cats safe within the confines of home. This combination offers cat owners all sorts of opportunities for those wanting to create cat-friendly spaces in their homes and gardens.

If you want more information about our products, please speak with the Protectapet team or take a look at our website at www.catipilla.com. You can also now buy Catipilla products directly through the Protectapet website and their team will even install it for you should you so wish. Have a look at the product range of cat shelves.

Anything that makes for happy, healthy, safe and active cats has to be a good thing in our view. We are sure that you feel the same.