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10 Tips for Optimising Cats' Mental and Physical Health

Tips to Improve Your Cat’s Mental Health


  1. Don’t Punish Your Cat


Should I discipline my cat?

 You shouldn’t ever physically discipline your cat. Remember that dogs and cats are totally different animals and shouldn’t be compared when it comes to discipline or training. Cats are extremely independent and a physical or verbal ‘telling off’ will not change their behaviours, but will encourage fear and anxiety.

Instead, during your cat’s naughty moments try to divert their attention to something more helpful and reinforce good behaviour. For plenty more tips on the do’s and don’ts of punishing your cat check out this helpful article by Hills Pet Food


  1. Consistent Play


Especially important for indoor cats, you should play with your cat for at least 10-15 minutes twice a day. Playing with your cat through toys, wands, bubbles etc helps to relieve boredom, avoid weight gain, and helps with your special bond. A great recipe for a healthy cat!


  1. Outside Access


Access to the outside helps stimulate your kitty’s brain and reduces stress. They’re able to exert natural behaviors that aren’t possible inside. It’s also recommended your cat gets fresh air! Letting your cat outside for its mental health comes with tragic risks such as road traffic accidents. Check out our cat fencing solutions to let your cat outside in safety!


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  1. Learn More About Your Cats Personality


Cats have such a diverse range of personalities and quirks. If your cat is very vocal, they might be indicating that they want you to chat to them so they can hear your voice. As your learn about your cat it will become easier to decipher when they are in need of some attention and when they want to be left along! We recommend reading Tuft and Paw’s guide on cat behaviour and body language to help you.


  1. Remember, You Are Your Cat’s Whole World

If you catch your cat staring at you, did you know it’s because you are literally the centre of their universe? Felines depend on their humans for food, shelter, safety and love. Do the best by your cat’s mental health by respecting their love for you, and giving them everything they need when they need it.


Tips to Improve Your Cat’s Physical Health 

  1. Spaying and Neutering

Spaying or neutering your cat is a surgical procedure to stop cats reproducing. This can have a huge impact on your cats physical health and can help prevent fatal diseases. Your cat will become calmer with fewer health problems, whilst also stopping unwanted pregnancies.


  1. Register With a Veterinarian

As soon as possible make sure to register your cat with a trustworthy veterinary practice and book in routine visits to ensure optimum health. Don’t be afraid to call your vet with any health concerns or advice.


  1. A Wholesome Diet


Nutrition is key to keeping your cat in peak physical condition. Choose a natural food with high quality ingredients where possible! A healthy diet has a huge positive impact on your cat’s physical health, including their skin and coat. Read the ingredients list of your cat’s food, if you don’t recognise a large proportion of the ingredients this will indicate unnatural components. Instead, opt for a food with less artificial ingredients.


  1. How Can I Keep My Cats Teeth Healthy and Improve My Cat’s Gum Health?


Aim to brush your cats teeth daily, or for more difficult felines aim for twice a week. There are many products on the market that make brushing your cats teeth easier than the traditional toothbrush and pet toothpaste method. Tasty gels such as Bearphar are very easy to apply! 


  1. How Often Should I Brush My Cat?


Cats are very clean animals, but you can help keep your cat physically healthy by brushing through their fur. Many cats love brushing time, so it’s also a great way to improve your bond with your cat. Brush your shorthair cat once a week and your long hair cat daily.