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Bengal Cat Profile: Everything You Need To Know About Bengals

Summary of the Bengal Cat

The Bengal is best known for resembling a leopard, and whilst highly athletic and exotic looking, the Bengal has all of the sweet temperament to make for a purr-fect companion cat. Bengals prefer company over being on their own, are affectionate to their owners, and are amongst the most intelligent breeds in the cat world. Bengals require a lot of exercise so giving them ample opportunities to climb and run is essential for this breed to be happy. Check out our other blog post for more on keeping your Bengal happy and healthy. 


Bengal lying on bed Bengal lying on bed

Bengal Facts

Life span: 12-16 years

Weight: 3.6kg-6.8kg

Shedding: Not noticeable, little grooming required

Cost: £500-£1000

Bengal in Catio

History of the Bengal

"In 1963, Jean S. Mill crossed the domestic cat with the Asian Leopard Cat, a spotted, five to twelve pound, shy non-domestic cat species from Asia. This was the first effort to use hybrid offspring to create a breed of domestic cat with the loving nature of the best fireside tabby and the striking look of Leopards, Ocelots and Jaguars." - Cat Fanciers Association.

It wasn't until the 1980's that the modern bengal cat we know and love today emerged thanks to Jean S. Mill in the United States. This newer breed then became regonised by the GCCF in 1997.

Asian Leopard Cat Outside Asian Leopard Cat Outside

Asian Leopard Cat

Appearance of the Bengal

The Bengal takes on many visible characteristics of it's wild ancestors. Bengals are muscular in stature and they carry their tails low like an undomesticated cat would. Females are significantly smaller than males but both feature beautiful broad wedge-shaped heads and friendly expressions. With cheek bones to die for, the cutest whisker pads and a strong broad muzzle all contributing to their wild appearance.

The Bengal coat is short to medium and very soft. Bengals come in a wide variety of patterns and colours, one of the most popular being the "Rosetted Bengal“, where their spots are a contrasted two-toned colouring.

As well as spotted bengals, they can also have a marbled, swirly pattern.

Brown Spotted Tabby Bengal

Brown Spotted Tabby

Seal mink marbled tabby bengal

Seal Mink Marbled Tabby

Silver Seal Lynx Point Bengal

Silver Seal Lynx Point

Temperament of the Bengal

If you're looking for a companion you can pick up and stroke for hours on end then the Bengal is not for you.

Bengals can be quite mischievous and they love to play. They need lots of toys and entertainment to keep their intelligent brains occupied. Bengal cats have a good set of lungs and they love to be vocal. You’ll be told if they’re hungry, if they’re not happy with the state of their litter tray or anything else that might not be pleasing them. They can be quite fussy and they are not shy in conveying their feelings through meows.

Bengals Form Close Bonds

While they are vocal and love to play, Bengals are very affectionate. Playing with your cat will help to form a close bond but don’t be surprised if they select one of the family to form an extra special friendship with.

Many people think Bengals are more aggressive than other breeds, but this is false. Bengals are the same as other domestic breeds. They need to be socialised from a young age in just the same way as other cats to avoid behavioural problems.

cat fence barrier

Bengals Benefit From Being In The Great Outdoors: In Safety.

Fresh air, space and high vantage points help to keep Bengals healthy and active. However it is not recommended to let your bengal outside unsupervised. Many owners opt to keep this breed indoors and Bengals are able to adapt to this way of living. For the best of both worlds, consider ProtectaPet Cat Enclosures, Cat Fencing or Catios, depending on your garden type.