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Cat Is Hurled Across the Road by Angry Neighbour

CCTV footage captured an eight-month-old kitten being thrown across the road by an angry neighbour. April Hawes threw the kitten 25 feet and shouted that she wanted to knock the cat out in the fit of rage. Hawes was furious as the cat kept entering her garden, which resulted in her taking the aggressive action, throwing the cat across the road into her neighbours' door, twice. The kitten, named Shadow, suffered soft tissue damage.

Hawes admitted the animal cruelty at King’s Lynn magistrates in Norfolk, entering a guilty plea to causing suffering to a protected pet at a hearing on March 1, 2019. Hawes said she was remorseful for her actions and that she didn’t want to cause the kitten any harm. The kitten was entering her garden and scenting, which is when Hawes picked up[ the cat by the scruff of the neck and hurled it twice at the door while shouting.

Shadow’s owners heard two loud bangs at the front door and shouting in the street just after 8am. They found Shadow’s collar had come off and called him over noticing he was shaken. Shadow didn’t require any veterinary treatments but is now very nervous and uncomfortable around women.

Hawes was sentenced to a 12 month community order and 30 days’ rehabilitation activity. £85 in costs and £85 victim surcharge must also be paid by Hawes, who is said to be suffering from PTSD.

Protect Your Pet

Not everyone likes cats, but this is never an excuse to harm an animal. Cat fences can be used to protect pets from risks including harm or injury caused by other people or animals. Cat fences and containment systems are there to provide pet cats with a safe environment where they can enjoy the outdoors without being put in harms way. Contact our friendly experts to learn more.