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Cat Fencing: Can Neighbourhood Cats Get into my Garden?

Cat Fencing: Can Neighbourhood Cats Get into my Garden?

ProtectaPet is a leading brand in the pet products and services industry, dedicated to keeping cats safe within their garden territory. With our specially designed Cat Fence Brackets, we have successfully protected over 30,000 cats in the UK alone. Our innovative products ensure that cats can enjoy the outdoors while staying secure within their designated area.

The Importance of Cat Fence Brackets

Our Cat Fence Brackets are uniquely angled inwards towards your garden, creating a barrier that prevents cats from escaping. The brackets are designed with the "Bengal Bend," a special feature that makes it nearly impossible for cats to climb over the 70cm long bracket. This ensures that your beloved feline friends remain safely within the confines of your garden.
While cats on the inside of the barrier are unable to climb over, cats from the outside can physically enter the garden. However, due to their intelligence, cats generally choose not to enter a cat-proofed garden as they can see there is no exit. ProtectaPet Cat Fence Brackets provide the perfect solution for cat owners who want to give their pets the freedom to roam outdoors without the worry of them wandering off.

Tips for Deterring Neighbourhood Cats

If you want to prevent neighbourhood cats from entering your garden, here are some top tips to consider:
  1. Spay or Neuter Your Own Cats: Spaying or neutering your own cats can help reduce their territorial instincts, making them less likely to attract other cats into your garden.
  2. Feed Your Cats Inside: Avoid leaving any food in your garden as it can attract neighbourhood cats. Instead, feed your cats indoors to discourage other felines from entering your property.

Dealing with Neighbourhood Cats Intruding in Your Garden

In the event that a neighbourhood cat does enter your garden, it's important to handle the situation calmly and responsibly. Here are some tips to follow:
  1. Stay Calm: If a cat finds itself trapped in your garden, it will likely be scared. Stay calm to keep the cat calm as well.
  2. Secure Your Own Cats: Lock your own cats inside your house to prevent any potential conflicts or territorial disputes.
  3. Provide an Exit: Leave a gate open or place a wheelie bin against a fence to create an exit route for the neighbourhood cat. This will allow them to leave your garden without any harm.

Tips for Going on Holiday

When you're planning to go on holiday, it's essential to ensure that your garden remains cat-friendly even when you're not around. Here are some tips to consider:
  1. Create an Exit Route: Always leave a wheelie bin or a piece of garden furniture against your fence. This will enable any neighbourhood cats that accidentally enter your garden to find their way out.
By following these tips and utilising ProtectaPet's Cat Fence Brackets, you can create a safe and secure environment for your cats, giving them the freedom to enjoy the outdoors without the risk of wandering off. Visit our online store to explore our range of cat containment products and provide your furry friends with the protection they deserve.
Maine Coon in Garden

Von Experten entworfene Katzenzäune

Merkmale des Katzenzauns

ProtectaPet Katzenzaun

Katzenzäune ermöglichen den Zugang zu Gras, Pflanzen und Bäumen

  • Ein Katzenzaun bietet Zugang zum gesamten Garten
  • Entworfen und hergestellt in Großbritannien
  • Patentierte Technologie und optimale Ästhetik
  • Minimaler Wartungsaufwand und lange Nutzungsdauer mit schwarzer Hochglanz-Pulverbeschichtung
  • Die doppelte Biegung der Halterung bietet besseren Schutz für große Katzen

Warum ein Catio wählen?

Catios verfügen über Netzdächer, sodass Sie sich keine Gedanken über den Standort der Gartenmöbel machen müssen

Verhindern Sie Territorialkämpfe und Streitigkeiten zwischen Maine Coons

Reduzieren Sie das Risiko von Viren und Krankheiten

Reduzieren Sie das Risiko von Schädlingen wie Flöhen

Statten Sie Ihre Catio mit Regalen und Verstecken zur Bereicherung aus

Hilft Ihrer Katze, sich vor Gefahren von außen sicher zu fühlen

cat run

Unsere Katzenkunden

Maine Coon Whiskers



Maine Coon in Tree


Maine Coon on Tree



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Sam's Cat Enclosure Case Study

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