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How to Keep Dogs Cool in Summer

We have enjoyed a couple of weeks of rather pleasant and warm weather. With any luck, our summer will be filled with sunshine. There might even be a heat wave or two on the way. While the temperatures soaring may delight many of us we do have to take precautions. The same goes for our pets, but they’re not quite as good as keeping cool. Today, we’re sharing a few tips on how to keep our dogs cook when the weather heats up.

How to Keep Dogs Cool in Hot Weather

  • Never leave your dog in the car, not even for very short periods of time. Even opening a window is not enough to keep the dog at a safe temperature inside the car. Most of us know not to leave dogs in cars but sadly many die in cars each year. Avoid the risks by ensuring the dog isn’t left in the car, ever. On a very similar note, remember not to leave dogs in conservatories or caravans.
  • Provide a constant supply of fresh drinking water. Take water and a bowl out on your walks and offer the water frequently to avoid overheating.
  • Have one room in the home that is kept cool. The room should be well-ventilated and kept dark by drawing the curtains. This is the perfect place to take your dog to cool down if they get hot and flustered.
  • It might be tempting to put your dog outside in good weather but don’t leave them out all day. Take out a bowl of water for the duration your dog is outside.
  • Make sure some of your garden is shaded. If you have a pet or dog containment system of dog fence, create an area of shade inside the space.
  • Take your dog for walks early in the morning and/or late in the evening and keep it short. Touch the concrete paths and patios. If they’re too hot for your hand they are too hot for paws.
  • Consider the age and condition of your dog before you head out for walks. Some breeds with shorter or flat noses may also struggle more than dogs without.

Watch out for signs of sunstroke. It’s important to take your dog to the vet if you notice any of the symptoms below.

  • Panting heavily
  • Rapid pulse
  • Red gums
  • Red tongue
  • Lethargy
  • Abundant salivation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Unable to get up after collapsing

You can help your dog by giving them cool water and wetting them down with cool water. Make sure the water isn’t too cold. Provide the water but do make sure you visit the vet too. Heatstroke can be fatal.

Return next week when we’ll be sharing tips on keeping cats cool during heatwaves.