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Are Your Cats Taking on Your Personality Traits?

A recent study performed by Nottingham Trent University and the University of Lincoln suggests there’s a link between cat owner personalities and the behaviour and the general well-being of their cats. The report surveyed 3000 of mainly UK based cat owners.

It is known that the personality of the parents can have an affect on their children’s personality. The study is suggesting that the same can be said for cat owners and their cats. The owner personality can impact the behaviour of the cat along with their lifestyle and health. So, if there are any unwanted behaviours it might be time to look in the mirror.

Behaviour Problems in Cats

The researchers discovered that the owners that scored high for neuroticism (likely to suffer from depression, anger, loneliness, fear and anger) were more likely to have cats with behavioural problems. The cats in question would show more fearful behaviours and aggression than other cats. Furthermore, these cats also had more stress related illnesses, be overweight or have a medical condition that was ongoing.

Researchers also found that the owners considered to be ‘mentally well-adjusted” had pets that were generally happier, healthier and calmer. Co-author of the study Dr Lauren Finka said that many owners consider pets to be family and form close social bonds with them. Therefore, it is possible for cats to be affected by the way they are interacted with and managed by their owners. Therefore, the cats can be influenced by personalities.

Dr Finka went on to say that further research is needed to see ho casual the link is and to see if and how the personalities of owners are directly influencing the welfare and behaviour of cats.

What do you think of this study? Can you see any reflections of your own or any other family members’ personality in your pet cats? Come and tell us their traits over on the ProtectaPet Facebook page.

Read more about the study and the findings here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2019/02/24/ca...