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Dog Fencing Undergoing Development

In response to customer's feedback, the product design team at ProtectaPet are currently testing a new range of dog brackets. The brackets, which are designed to go on the top of existing fences which are 6 foot or higher, may have applications such as containing dogs in gardens, securing dog exercise areas at adoption centres or preventing foxes from accessing livestock.

The dog brackets have been installed and tested at two locations in the West Midlands. The first test subject if a husky who likes to jump over the fence and wander the local neighbourhood. The result of this prototype has been to make adjustments to the mesh material.

The second test has been undertaken at a chicken farm. The brackets have been installed around perimeter fencing to prevent foxes from being able to jump over and access the chickens in the night time. The perimeter border is being monitored by 24/7 cameras and early indications show that this is highly effective against foxes entering the compound.

Further tests are continuing on our prototypes and we are currently seeking dog and chicken owners who would like to take part in the process of innovation. If you are interested, please contact the lead product designer, Simon Davies on sidavies@protectapet.com