Cats love
to be outdoors. They are born to roam, hunt and lounge about in the sun. Their
natural behaviours are so aligned with outdoor life, which is why many cat
owners use cat containment systems to allow their pet safe access to the
outdoors. However, there are many
dangers found in the garden that a lot of cat owners are not aware of. Many
cats end up with injuries and sometimes fatal illnesses from their own back
Poisonous Plants
There are so many plants that are poisonous to cats (and to dogs too!). The list is very extensive, but we’ve found an excellent online form that you can check over, here. It’s a great time to get to know the poisonous plants as many people are busy working on the garden and preparing their outdoor space for the summer. We recommend reading the list even if you don’t have a garden or outdoor space. You never know when you might be presented with some beautiful, but deadly flowers!
Ponds are interesting for both humans and cats but they are also a danger to be aware of. It’s too easy for a cat to spot something of interest under the water or on the edge of the pond, only to fall in and drown. Even when a cat doesn’t drown they are still at risk from other complications if they nearly drown in a pond. Always take the pet to the vets to be safe.
Chemicals in the Garden
Finally, we’d like to raise awareness of the dangerous chemicals that might be found in your garden or storage. All garden chemicals should be stored safely along with slug pellets, many types of weed killers, antifreeze, and rat and mice poisons. There are other dangers from fumes of the chemicals such as paint remover and varnish. Make sure all items like this are locked away at all times. If you spread out slug pellets we recommend looking for pet safe nontoxic alternatives or covering up the treated area with chicken wire.